Founder of MLabs, Netia McCray aims to provide education and equal opportunity for people of all ages and backgrounds interested in STEM. This non-profit organization opening up in Central Square will explore topics such as digital fabrication and the science of fashion. She hopes to impact families and young individuals aged 8 to 24 through her workshops. However, McCray emphasizes that learning has no age limit, and with the right type of programming, anyone can tap into their curiosity. MLABS will be having a grand opening on Saturday, May 18, 2024, from 1 to 2 pm.
McCray recognizes the invisible barrier to experiencing STEM for underrepresented groups and hopes MLabs could be the space to uplift and encourage them. She hopes that in 5 to 10 years, MLABS will also help interested individuals pursue career pathways in STEM. For now, she believes the organization can be a catalyst for that to happen by impacting the world one workshop at a time. Several problems in this world could be solved through STEM. But, all our collective minds and talents need to come together to address those problems.
“I hope that everyone can see that not only can they be in STEM, but STEM doesn’t move without us.” - Netia McCray